Dropped, slammed and fat. This retro- chopper is a tribute to the creations that came of the 1960’s and 1970’s biker scene, when guys would cut-up their own rides and weld original creations back together with their own hands.
No one else would have a bike like theirs, and we will say the same of this build based on a Suzuki GS 250 model.
Take for a cruise. Start from here.

Tech – Specs
Suzuki GL 250
250 cc
Custom rims and tires by SMOKED GARAGE
Custom Frame and Gastank by SMOKED GARAGE

” Love is that feeling you get when you like something as much as your motorcycle “

Handmade In Indonesia
On any given day tukangs (Indonesian mechanics) hammer, drill, grind and weld repairs and parts on motorbikes and scooters, fabricating the unimaginable and seemingly impossible in cramped, sweltering conditions with limited resources, materials and parts to create functional working machines and ride them. Indonesians’ and their families rely on their bikes for everyday life, sometimes transporting their entire families on a single scooter to school, to work and back again. Every Day..